Daisy's Bark : August Newsletter

Daisy's Bark : August Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the August newsletter. Someone please tell me where the month of July went?! As fast as it's come and gone, it was a quiet month here at Daisy's Dog Collars. Website sales are coming in and we're looking forward to the craft fairs starting up again next month. Can't wait to see everyone in person.

If you didn't know, Florida summer month's get pretty hot. The temperatures reach 100+ degrees and our Daisy girl is adjusting to the heat compared to NJ summers. She's not as active as she usually is, but she still has pep in her step. She's also dealing with skin allergies. The grass is a lot different here then in Jersey. Daisy loves it, but her skin...not so much. Just like us, she's take a daily allergy pill. Learn more about pet allergies on Daisy's Blog at daisysdogcollars.com.

As we continue to fundraise for For The Love of Paws, we're currently over $1400.00! We'll continue to donate $5.00 a collar through the month of September and look forward to presenting them with a big fat check at the end of next month. For The Love of Paws is a pet sanctuary giving senior citizens a piece of mind knowing that their beloved pet is being taken care of if something happens to them. They also have a food pantry providing over 12,000 lbs. of FREE PET FOOD monthly! That's 6 TONS 😲. Additionally, they are proud to announce the purchase of their newly added For The Love of Paws Thrift Store! It's located at 931 12th St, Vero Beach, FL., with a cat adoption center coming soon. For more information check out their new website at pawspetsanctuary.com.

Daisy's Dog Collars would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who purchased a collar or simply donated from the kindness of their hearts, and to everyone who sends in pictures of their furry family members wearing and loving the seashell collars. Thank you so, so much! Please keep them coming, we love seeing and posting them.

The rescue organizations for Daisy's Cause are chosen by your
suggestions on our website, daisysdogcollars.com, where you can
email us through our Contact page. While you're there check out
Daisy's Blog, “Daisy's Guide to Summer Pet Allergies".

We value and appreciate your ongoing support and with your input, we look forward to serving you even better. We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and we'll keep you updated next month.

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