Daisy's Story

Hello, everyone! I'm Daisy, and this is my story

I was found at 12 months old, wandering the streets of a neighboring town with a severe eye injury (ouch!). Soon, a nice lady saw me and called for help. Delilah, who works for our county’s Animal Control, was on duty when she received the call. She picked me up and brought me to the local SPCA, where I waited a long time for my owners to come and get me. The SPCA advertised me on several social media platforms hoping my owners would see me, but they never came. Instead, the wonderful people at the SPCA told me I would have a new family and a fabulous life—boy; they weren’t lying! I love my new family. Even though I had to have my eye removed, it doesn’t slow me down one bit. With the help of Delilah and the SPCA, my new family was able to adopt me and take care of me. I’m happier than ever!