August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the 5th issue of Daisy’s Bark!  A monthly newsletter about what’s going on at Daisy’s Dog Collars. 

Summer is in full effect and we’re having  lots of fun at our events.  We’ve added a new feature to our event booth, a Daisy’s Cause Donation Board. This dry erase board has brought in many donations and our customers love the feeling of being part of the cause. They get to add $5.00, that we donate from their purchase of a seashell collar, to the current amount raised and write down their pets name. Seeing their donation going to a great cause gives them and us that warm fuzzy feeling. 

Our current Daisy’s Cause is  SNARR Northeast. Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. SNARR is located in Westchester County New York and was founded in 2011  by Courtney Bellew. They save the toughest dogs to place, those with serious medical conditions. Paralyzed, deaf and blind, severely emaciated dogs.  Dogs with neurological deficits,  disease and with injuries and orthopedic issues … the dogs that would otherwise be euthanized.  Visit for more information on SNARR Northeast,  giving hope to the hopeless. 

To purchase a seashell dog collar go to or come see us at one of our events;

Saturday August 5th we’ll be on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights NJ
Sunday August 6th, in Manasquan NJ at Squan Plaza celebrating Berry Fest
Wednesday August 9th thru Sunday August 13th we’ll be at the 47th Annual Ocean Twp Italian Festival in Joe Palaia Park, Oakhurst NJ
Saturday August 19th we’ll be in Harvey Cedars NJ for the Blue Claw Craft Fair
Sunday August 20th we’ll be on the boardwalk in Asbury Park NJ 

The rescue organizations are chosen by your suggestions on our website,, where you can email us through our Contact page. We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and we’ll keep you updated next month.  Check out Daisy’s Blog at for some fun activities you can do with your dog this month. Thank you again for your continued support. 

With Gratitude,

Daisy’s Dog Collars
Facebook:  Daisy’s Dog Collars
Instagram:  Daisysdogcollars22

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