November 2023 Newsletter

November 2023 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to Daisy’s Bark!  A monthly newsletter about what’s going on at Daisy’s Dog Collars. 

We’ve been in Florida for a month now settling into our new home and getting acquainted with our new neighbors and town.  We’ve done a few events and the seashell collars have been well received.  Daisy is adjusting well, but doesn’t know what to make of the small lizards running around the yard.  She hasn’t caught one yet and we hope she never does!  She goes to the beach in the mornings and met a new friend, Onyx.  Onyx reminds us of Daisy’s best friend in NJ, Jadey.  I’ve attached some pictures below and we hope you enjoy them.

Daisy’s Cause is currently fundraising for Home Free.   A non-profit animal rescue that relies on donations, fosters and fundraising.  So far Daisy’s Cause is off to a great start, we’re a little over $500.00 and have until the end of December to continue to raise awareness and funds for Home Free Animal Rescue. 
To purchase a seashell dog collar go to or visit us at one of our events. Here’s our November calendar;

November 10th through the 13th were at the Crystal Classic Sandcastle Contest in Sarasota, FL
November 17th through the 19th we’ll be in Tarpon Springs FL at the Seafood Festival in Craig Park
November 25th and 26th we’re back in Tarpon Springs, downtown at the Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Festival

The rescue organizations are chosen by your suggestions on our website,, where you can email us through our Contact page. We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and we’ll keep you updated next month.  Check out Daisy’s Blog at for the foods your furry friend can and can’t eat this Thanksgiving.  Thank you again for your continued support. 

With Gratitude,

Daisy’s Dog Collars

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