September 2023 Newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter

Hello and welcome to  Daisy’s Bark!  A monthly newsletter about what’s going on at Daisy’s Dog Collars.

Summer is winding down at the Jersey Shore and the autumn season is right around the corner. We’re starting to get that refreshing brisk weather at night 
and Daisy loves it! Speaking of Daisy, we have a big announcement to share. Daisy’s Dog Collars is moving to the Sunshine State. That’s right, we’re moving to Florida at the end of this month. We’re excited for our new adventure and at the same time, sad to leave our beloved state and all the new friends we’ve made through Daisy’s Cause. 

This month wrapps up our 3rd quarters Daisy’s Cause, SNARR Northeast; Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. Saving the toughest dogs to place, those with serious medical conditions. Dogs that are paralyzed, deaf, blind and severely emaciated.  As of right now, we’ve raised more then last quarter’s number and we still have the rest of this month! Visit for more information on SNARR Northeast,  giving hope to the hopeless. 

To purchase a seashell dog collar go to or come see us at one of our events;

Saturday 9-16  we’ll be in Pt. Pleasant on Arnold and Bay Ave from 10am to 7pm
Friday 9-22  we’ll be in Asbury Park at Bradley Park  from 5pm to 10pm
Saturday 9-23 back in Asbury Park at Bradley Park from 11am to 10pm
Sunday 9-24 our last event in NJ, back in Asbury Park at Bradley Park from 11am to 6pm

The rescue organizations are chosen by your suggestions on our website,, where you can email us through our Contact page. We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and we’ll keep you updated next month.  Check out Daisy’s Blog at to get your pup ready for the fall season.  Thank you again for your continued support. 

With Gratitude,

Daisy’s Dog Collars

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